Donations and volunteers are greatly appreciated! Please see our contact information at bottom of this page.
$183,000,000 for a 20th Century School
“I have served 20 years on the development commission and worked on many school district projects. I am not overjoyed tonight. I’m actually upset. I feel like there is a missed opportunity here. And what you did tonight was what you could do, which was decide if it met the code. But the code to me is not a visionary or an aspirational anything – it’s a code. There’s a huge lost opportunity here. I’m upset that we never talked about what this campus could do to bring our youth forward into the 21st century with something other than a stadium. I heard in the testimony that we were provided for this, somebody called having a stadium at every school ‘equity.’ That’s not. That’s equal. ‘Equity’ is making sure that all of the students in the school have opportunities for what they want to do and not just the sporting community. We should have been able to look at something that was amazing and imaginary and forward-thinking and we got a school from the 1970’s.”
Issaquah Mayor Mary Lou Pauly Issaquah City Council Special Meeting April 19, 2022 YouTube Video at approx 1:19 Approval of Resolution 2022-09 by the Issaquah City Council
$642 MILLION is Just Too Much! LET US BE VERY CLEAR – We are FOR kids and FOR public education! CCARE PAC members include parents, experienced teachers and public school administrators, as well as university professors who have supported school bonds and levies in the past.
However, we are fed up with ISD's seemingly endless appetite for increasing our taxes. We see defeating this bond as the only opportunity for the taxpayers of the District to force ISD to LISTEN and to make the changes that will make things better for the District's kids and residents today, and in the future. Therefore, we are against this incredibly expensive Bond proposalbecause it places a highly unreasonable, long-term financial burden on the District’s taxpayers! At its May 23, 2024 meeting, the Issaquah School District (ISD) Board of Directors voted unanimously to place a $642,345,000 capital bond proposal on the November 2024 ballot.1 This proposal includes $182,700,000 now required to complete the proposed High School #4 as currently planned.2 If this bond issue were to pass, it would bring the total capital cost of this High School project to nearly $300,000,000!
At the same meeting, the ISD Board “repurposed” $44 Million from the 2022 capital levy.3 At that time, this amount was advertised to voters as needed in order to fund the then deficit in proposed High School #4’s estimated cost. That deficit has now reached $182.7 Million. The Board’s May 23 action “repurposed” that $44 Million to other capital projects which were originally planned for as part of this 2024 Bond.3 While the total capital cost of the Bond did not change, it increased the HS #4 portion to $182.7 Million.3
After a Bond issue was passed in 2016, the District Board “repurposed” $36 Million to buy and remodel a new Administration Building. How can they be trusted not to again “repurpose” a portion of this proposed Bond for something other than what is currently being advertised to the voters of the Issaquah School District?
More content will be added to this website in the near future, so please check back for additional information. Meanwhile, for more history on the controversy surrounding the proposed High School #4, click on the Archive links to the right.
We welcome your donations to support our campaign. Our contact information is below. Please VOTE NO on this Bond proposal in November!
US Mail: CCARE, 3020 Issaquah Pine Lake RD SE #134, Sammamish, WA. 98075 Email: [email protected] Sources: 1. Issaquah School Board Bond resolution #1223, May 23, 2024 2. Presentation charts from ISD’s May 23, 2024 Board meeting 3. Issaquah School Board Resolution #1222, May 23, 2024
***** Future Events ****
= Yards signs are coming soon.
Contact us: [email protected] or CCARE 3020 Issaquah Pine Lake Rd SE #134 Sammamish WA 98075